Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Connecting - Charlotte's Web

Page 3 - The kitchen table was set for breakfast, and the room smelled of coffee, bacon, damp plaster, and wood smoke from the stove.
Page 49 - "Well, I don't like to spread bad news," said the sheep, "but they're fattening you up because they're going to kill you, that's why."
"They're going to
what?" screamed Wilbur. Fern grew rigid in her chair

When I read page 3, I thought "Does Fern EAT bacon?" It would be sort of weird if she did, and if not, that's good. Although in the book it sort of seems like it's evil to eat bacon, outside of the book, lots of people eat bacon. If Fern DOES eat bacon, maybe she doesn't understand that bacon comes from pigs.

And on page 49, did Fern KNOW that Wilbur was going to be killed and eaten? If so, wouldn't she have complained to her father about it, like she did when she saved Wilbur's life? Or has she grown up more and decided it didn't matter and things should just take their "natural course"? If she didn't know, she would've just found out. But would she be "rigid"? Or was she rigid from the fact that Wilbur was finally finding out for himself what might happen? I wonder if there was a conversation with between Fern and her parents. It would have been easier if White had just simply written a chapter of it, if there was one, but maybe he's just leaving a little mystery behind...

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