Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Reading Entry~Ash

I know this may seem like a very strange way to start a response to a book, but I LOVE BREAD! To me, bread and starchy stuff like pasta and rice is the most delicious food EVER! It's basically all I ever eat.
In Ash, Ash's mother passes away. When this happens, Ash can't taste the bread she's eating. I don't ever remember not being able to taste anything. Maybe it's not even possible, not to be able to taste something... unless it's water. Maybe it's just a form of speech, and I will never know. I think about things like that a lot. Like, "It happens to other people, not me. Am I THAT different, or is it ALL A LIE?" Stuff like that. Like sugar rushes. I fake those, for people who are thinking, "I just saw her all hyper the other day."
When my aunt died, I don't remember not being able to taste anything. Maybe it's different, though, since my aunt and I didn't really know each other.
Losing family and loved ones is very hard, so authors exaggerate with food? I don't understand that at all, except that it's CONFUSING. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Nice job pulling a topic out of the book. I think a lot of times fiction writers get to play around with symbolism and metaphor in order to share a point. What do you think that the inability to taste food represents in the life of your character?
