Wednesday, March 30, 2011


These are the tips Corinna gave me to help revise my blog post :) (The italics are my responses.)

- Try to answer your questions, or arrange them in a different way. There are a bundle of questions that seem answered, but it feels as if they ... aren't. We want to know your opinion (this can also allow more responses to this blog post)!
When I said people care about my opinion once, a meanie walking by said "No they don't." Anyway, isn't my opinion in heerrrreeee?

- Use more sophisticated manner in your blog post. (EX. "I like colors, though" can be turned into "But personally, I like colors.") There is too much personality, but less main ideas.
Fine. But my personality is like sunshine, you can't live without it :D

- Use comments to help fix some issues? (Hint hint.)
Whatcha mean "hint hint"??? That's what Ms. Yip says...

- Possibly research some topics? Such as racism or color-blindness?

Once again, I'm writing a post on The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing. There are so many things I can talk about from this book, but I promise this shall be the last.

This book takes place in the late 1700's. African-Americans were still kept as slaves, and Octavian basically is one. This made me think about the whole racist concept.

In this book, Octavian's professor said that color isn't real, yet an illusion. I disagree with this, but if there is really no such thing as color, why is there racism? Racism is based on the color of one's skin, and if there is no such thing as color, how come there is such thing as racism??

I believe anything visible and something we can touch is real. Mirages aren't... Oh, I just realized that doesn't exactly make colors real... Whatever, I believe in colors. I feel like I'm talking about God! But personally, I like colors [ STOLEN BY CORINNA 8D ]. They make everything more beautiful. What would the world look like without color?

Whenever I see an old photograph or video, I think "Oh my gosh everything was black and white! When did people begin to paint the world?!" Okay, I don't really think that, but I did when I was little. Still nowadays, I imagine everything from [back then] as black and white, not just as a photo, but for REAL. Awkward?

Basically, I can't imagine the world without color. That's like eating an Oreo without dunking it in milk. Everything needs color, colors are beautiful. Darkness is scary. I think Hell would have no colors, everything dark grays or just nothing at all. Just a blank page, me as a drawing in a world of nothing but white, running but never leaving, for drawings cannot move [I'm not talking about animation don't criticize me.]

There's this song I like a lot called Colors ~Melody and Harmony~ . It's about how people give to the world and how lucky people benefit and how they are grateful. I mainly thought of this song because of it's title and I wanted to share it. I like how it says about how we have good things in our life due to things kind and generous people have done. I suppose I can say the Civil War is one of them, so it has something to do with this post.

Also, according to Ms. Corinna's advice, I should look up stuff about color-blindness and racism. Honestly, I think I know enough about racism - it's the thought that controls and idiot's mind that his race or skin color, usually being white, is superior. Which is stupid.

However, I don't know much about colorblindness. That's why I looked it up. >See here for info I looked at about color blindness< Basically, colorblindness is when you can't see a certain color or brightness of a color, or something related to not seeing color. The treatment - unknown. And it's a lifelong condition. Can you imagine not being able to see colors your entire life? The page says those who are colorblind are used to it, but that's hard for me to imagine. I suppose, if I suddenly became colorblind, I would get used to it over time.
I've been thinking ; maybe people who are colorblind aren't the ones that are so "different". If, going back to Octavian's professor, colors aren't really real, maybe colorblind people are the few that are "normal". Maybe those who can see color are the ones who have a strange condition. Perhaps, long ago, all humans saw the world black and white, but there was one monkey (we were monkeys... "Reed, we know that." "SHUDDAP.") who was able to magically see magical things called COLORS. Then, many others got it and then yaayyyyy everyone sees colors, except a few who didn't adapt. Also, most men have color blindness, 1 in 10, but it's more rare for women. (Because the X and Y cells go boom and...)
When I was researching humans on Wikipedia, because I was going to say some other word for "human" that I forgot... both what it was and how to spell... I saw a thin about the oldest performer alive. Who still performs. Well, anyway, I thought that was cool. Then I stopped reading it after it said he spoke fondly of Adolf Hitler. Maybe the guy is getting Alzheimer's finally... Now I'm going to look up the oldest person alive... Oh, a French guy named Jeanne Calment... Ah, a lady... Oh, and maybe this is related to the X Y cell things and how boys have more diseases, etc., but the top ten oldest living people were all women. In the world. But then in 11th place is a guy. Okay. Yeah.

And lastly, my new sign off.

Love and Rockets,
Reed :D


  1. Gee, thanks for saying that about my five ideas.
    (HINT. HINT.)

    You've made your blog post more lengthy and more in-sight. However, you added more grammar and punctuation issues intentionally. I recommend not to do that.

    Otherwise, nice post!

  2. Har har o3o I like punctuation :D Calvin didn't know what that was... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Sorry to Calvin XD
